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Page 125

Posted April 11th, 2023

Hannah: On this page we have the return of the spooky green lighting, as well as yet another scary room. I've really enjoyed playing with lighting while we get all these big reveals from Professor Cohen!

Kailey: Storytime is over! The professor definitely likes to dwell on the past. I'm glad we fit so much in the span of these past few pages, but I'm ready to move on and get back to the present.

Hannah: Me too. It's fun to break out of regular page layout to experiment to show the rambling nature of the speech, and now that his speech is over, the images are contained within regular panels again.

Kailey: They were fun pages! Going back to the regular style is like grounding back to reality. I love the body language you gave to Cohen where he just tosses the photos he's been using, haha. They don't matter now that it's time for science!