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Page 136

Posted August 29th, 2023

Hannah: Finally, these scenes are taking place at the exact same moment for our protagonists! Or however fast a radio wave travels.

Kailey: Fast enough for Dulara not to be prepared! I love her posing in panel 6 so much! It's like she's saying: Atticus Falke. Stay. Staayyyy.

Hannah: Hehehe, I don't know if you saw it or not, but I actually added that in the script for my own reference. 'Panel 5: Dulara glares at Atticus, one hand pointing at him to 'stay' like a dog.' It makes me happy that that came across so clearly!

Kailey: Ha ha, I love it! It fits her personality so well! Too bad for her Atticus isn't some trained dog. He's so happy and raring to go! I love seeing his genuine smile after so long.