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Page 155

Posted February 27th, 2024

Kailey: The Joson clothing line: Oversized shirts for all! Sorry you have to draw all those wrinkles, haha, but it's gotta be easier than the braces and bandages all the time.

Hannah: Haha, it definitely is simpler than braces. Its a good challenge for me since I usually draw more fitted clothes. Poor Joson is going to run out of shirts at this rate.

Kailey: Ooh! We need to remember to give one of his pairs of goggles to Claire! Don't you miss drawing those in her hair?

Hannah: lol If she gets more goggles I'm making them simpler to draw. This scene has some good parallels to the first time Atticus got into his overexplaining mode to Claire on page 46, and it makes me happy to see how much better it turned out.