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Posted June 9th, 2020

Kailey: Ah, the sponsor's social. This scene wasn't included in the original story at all, and Hannah did a great job putting the scene together to give Atticus some more depth and screen time exclusive to the webcomic.

Hannah: On this page, my goal was to present a snapshot of the high society of New Reidle and the type of people Atticus deals with when he goes out. Namely his cousin Jasper, and some young ladies who seem to care more about his pedigree than him.

Kailey: Everyone who's anyone is at this party to kick of the festival of the new age, including eleven named characters. I love me some cameos. It's no surprise that Atticus rarely attends, must be hard when girls only want to talk to you because you have a wealthy inheritance and are known to be ill.

Hannah: He just wants to talk to his friend, dangit!

Kailey: His friend is popular. You think Atticus is attracting the ladies, just imagine the line trying to talk to Jack after that win at the races.

Hannah: Social difficulties aside, it was a blast to draw and color all the fancy outfits on this page. And by that I mean that Kailey has started naming the trim layer things like 'all dat trim' and 'all hail the glorious trim'. I hope you enjoy reading this page as much as we enjoyed making it!