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Posted October 6th, 2020

Kailey: I think Atticus is regretting letting Claire drive his motorcycle...

Hannah: Claire, on the other hand, regrets nothing. I had a ton of fun drawing this page, not only for the silliness of the crazy motorcycle ride, but getting to show off the bird's eye view of New Reidle.

Kailey: You did such an amazing job! Way better than the crude MS Paint oval I filled out for reference at the beginning. It's surreal to see our city come alive this way.

Hannah: It was a fun panel! I only regretted starting like twice during the two and a half hours I spent doing tiny squares. :P

The MS Paint map was very handy as a reference!

Kailey: Well thank you. I'll have to add it as official concept art ;)

Hannah: I was just about to suggest that!