Big question gets a big answer! There's so much that goes on during the festival that doesn't get a highlight in the comic, but we couldn't fit it all! So, we opted to go with our character's opinions on the event. Obviously, Claire is the bigger fan of the festivities. The things that go on during the Festival of the New Age are all right up her alley. Probably because it was a fellow mechanical engineer, Timothy Garlant, who founded it.
Next week we return with the continuation of Chapter 3! Thanks for reading and participating in these Q&As in the meantime. They really are a fun break for us and help us get back on track.
August Q&A
Posted August 10th, 2021
Big question gets a big answer! There's so much that goes on during the festival that doesn't get a highlight in the comic, but we couldn't fit it all! So, we opted to go with our character's opinions on the event. Obviously, Claire is the bigger fan of the festivities. The things that go on during the Festival of the New Age are all right up her alley. Probably because it was a fellow mechanical engineer, Timothy Garlant, who founded it.
Next week we return with the continuation of Chapter 3! Thanks for reading and participating in these Q&As in the meantime. They really are a fun break for us and help us get back on track.